Hello, all, and welcome back to my blog. My apologies for not posting recently; school has been wrapping up and I was consumed in studying and working on my endless pile of music projects. That pile grows ever larger, but rest assured I have not ceased work; rather, expect some rather ambitious projects by (at the VERY latest) the end of this year. A little over a month of summer beckons, and I intend to both enjoy it (the newest Zelda game is fantastic and I love it) and make good use of it to work.
In the meantime, I offer today's listening recommendations, I point you towards "Rescue" from Harry Gregson-Williams' 2003 score for the Dreamworks animated swashbuckler Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. Unusually for a modern film composer, Gregson-Williams conducted the studio orchestra himself, and in the words of Christian Clemmensen of filmtracks.com, "given the overwhelmingly positive response from the players in their resulting performance, one wonders what kind of jig Gregson-Williams must have danced in front of them to whip them into the sword fighting mood." On the softer side of things, I reccomend the intoxicatingly gorgeous choral piece "Salvation is Created," composed in 1912 by Russian/Soviet composer Pavel Tschesnokoff and performed here by Voces8.
That's it for today. Stay tuned for the next blog post, coming June 4 if all goes to plan!
- Thomas
Salvation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8BwsZqTyr0
